AAG was born over a decade ago yet the funny thing is I never knew it until recently. It was a term I used to bring myself back down after a poor performance or loss in Ice Hockey to help remind me that there is another game. I can’t dwell on the past I need to focus on the NOW and how that will help the FUTURE
Calorie Calculator
How many calories do I need?
JOIN ‘Dare to be Aware’ HERE ⤵️
Want to break your YOYO Dieting Hell?
👉More workouts mean increased hunger
👉Showing up on your worst days god darn matters 👉Short Cuts = Weight Gain
👉The number on the scales do NOT define who you are or your happiness
…if you say “I haven’t lost any weight” one more time….
**Dinosaur Roar in Your Face** 🦖 (JK that’s not my style….)
Well, Future Bull Grabber I’m not one to get over excited
but the ‘Dare to be Aware’ Doors are open to you
**🥂** **Immediately swaps it for 0% if you’re watching your Kcals** Just you and I Every Thursday and Sunday for a few mins
The goal? Break the Dieting Hell you’re currently stuck in
💪 Become the person your family needs and will be proud of
💪 Find the Root cause of your struggle once and for all
💪 Build a relationship with your food that has Zero restrictions or guilt
Behaviour Change is where it’s at
But before you can release your old beliefs
You need to first need to open your mind that there is a solution for you
Sign up today and get FREE access to my behind closed doors workshop that I did exclusively for Dell but now am able to share with your personally >
Your 🔗 will be in your Inbox
Warning: At risk of freeing your life from weight gain worries