Who is


Now I want to tell you this story about how my life got flipped upside down from playing Professional Ice Hockey to now having the opportunity to be Behaviour Change Coach supporting Ambitious Business Leader

I’m a firm believer today that everything happens for a reason, but it wasn’t always this way

When I retired from playing Ice Hockey I was lost, I knew I had more time to focus on my Personal Training business but i didn’t know what that looked like.

After accidentally falling on a personal development podcast my eyes were not only opened by the possibilites that were ahead of me but most importantly where I had been going wrong all these years in buisness and with my own health

I was my worst client because like you I used to listen to what the fitness and diet industry told me and I didn’t listen to my own mind and body

Fast forward to Lockdown and my goals in life started to become clearer because unbeknown to me half of my struggles went away with increased sleep and less daily stress

My whole life has been taking steps toward becoming a Performance Coach and I had no idea because I needed to live it first

To understand that we’re all unique in our upbringings and challenges and that once you find the route cause behind your over eating or feeling stuck in life then you can continue to thrive with no fear of having to keep looking over your shoulder

Now I get to support and guide Entrepreneurs, Coaches and Athletes to be the best version of themselves

And live a life that up until now they have only ever dreamed of

I’ve got you a little something to help you get started the same way the Podcast helped me

Grab your FREE copy of my Binge Eating Baddies E-book below 





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Ready to Make a Change?

There is no time like the present 

“You never fail until you stop trying”